There is an art to breaking up. We must select class over confusion, dignity over deception, and integrity over entanglement. This is not the time for the ex-partner to realize the best part of being a couple is sharing their life with someone else. Apparently this wasn’t written into their script with you and now must be later understood in their next episode which there will be new actors. The scenes may never cross again unless there are children involved. For the sake of children, we must find common ground to merge our movies at times. For the sake of children, our rewrites for our respective episodes have to make provisions for things such as co-parenting after divorce. How the children’s age may affect their adjustment to life with one parent? How to answer the questions that children have after an event of this type to assist them through the process? More importantly, learning to move on when you have been written out of your significant other’s movie and coming to grips with the fact that you were only in their life for an episode.


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