People authorized to conduct religious worship services spend too much time teaching about hell in church, thereby making it the attraction. Being in the devil's grasp should not be the message, but being in God's favor. Parishioners flock with great anticipation to hear the deeds of the evil one as if attending a horror movie. God cannot use us if He loses others in the process. Those gifted with a teaching anointing should not use this power to control. It should be used to serve God. To spend our limited time teaching on Limbo, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Heresy, Violence, Fraud and Treachery, while ignoring that the worst of these sins is the betrayal of trust undermines true wisdom. As with subliminal advertising, "a subliminal message is a signal or message designed to pass below (sub) the normal limits of perception." The goal of the church is to teach that, it is better to serve in Heaven than to have power to direct or determine any means of control in an ...