Those reared under rules of entitlement tend to be exceptionally bad or
displeasing leaders. A great leader takes account of information that should be kept in mind when making a decision. Those who may have never
been taught to play by the rules, or who lack concern or empathy for people
less fortunate than they are, generally lack experience to weigh the impact of
their decisions on others for the advantage of greed, profit, or gain. There
are entire families that have become very wealthy throughout history who do not
run for political office, but control those blue collar politicians in office
who pass legislation that favors those, behind the scene, entitled people with
little regard for the impact on the environment or those less fortunate that
may be negatively effected. On the other hand, a person with a special advantage, immunity, or benefit, not enjoyed by all, who has been taught to have
concern and empathy for other people tends to be a well-balanced objective
leader with an ability to make decisions that aids or promotes well-being for society as a whole.
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