Commit to memory or learn by heart, worthy skills or knowledge that is imparted by trusted advisers. Gaining knowledge of some fact, state, affairs, or event is not always presented through scholastic means. In times past, our best instruction came from parents and grandparents who spoke knowledge into our minds with simple metaphors and examples that were never forgotten. We will communicate our anxieties to the psychiatrist or minister, while interacting more with colleagues than those with our best interest at heart and no profit to gain. Some of our earliest lessons in life were that we are never too old to learn. Yet, we turn off our ability to gain knowledge by closing our minds to organic sources more divinely intended for us because we have determined there is no more that can be taught us that we have not already learned. Attempts to give us a better approach at some task is met with contempt or shame felt when our inadequacy is made public. We can instruct or direct others to do something with authority, but fail to continue to learn with that same authority. Not realizing that even a child, person with no education, or one destitute, can still teach us something.


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