When entering into our third trimester of life, there are only a few simple necessities required to fulfill us for the remainder of our lifetime. These are years to be treasured. We find that material things aren't the focus of our existence, nor our grown-up children as they have matured and left the nest. It's important to feel love and appreciation from those within our circle of influence. During the sunset of life, we are less tolerant of uncalled-for mean, devious and obnoxious behavior. Especially from nonfamily members we have allowed to have too much undeserving authority. Once our nest become emptied of parental obligation, it's easier to enjoy the unwavering companionship of a domesticated animal than to spend the latter part of our life in unhappy states of existence which fails to stroke us for the people we truly are, and accomplishments of a life well lived. This stage of life is not about enduring people who refuse to acknowledge and commend our endeavors, attempts and strengths. So let's live the rest of our time here loving, laughing and enjoying the fruits of our labor. Anything less casts shade on our life's legacy.   


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